Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Wintery Scenario

I was watching the local news (although I would hardly call what they do news, it's more like ambulance chasing and stunt journalism) and I actually heard the meteorologist say the phrase "we are expecting a wintery scenario between 7am and noon"

What the hell is a wintery scenario?

I have no joke to follow that up. You can only joke about things that are stupid to a point, eventually you come to a point where it is so stupid you can't even make fun of it...

...And we have reached that point.

However, that reminds me of another thing that pisses me off...

...What the hell is the deal with people going off the deep-end every time the weather forecasters predict 3 or more inches of snow?


You don't need 3 gallons of milk and 7 loaves of bread to survive a snowstorm.

Honest to god, what do you think, you're going to be snowed in for 5 months? People buy the dumbest shit when a snowstorm is predicted, and it has to stop.

I suppose I hate winter because people do the stupidest shit during winter storms, which apparently includes locking their pets out in the snow so they capture their pet's misery on film for everyone to enjoy at a later date.

That's it for right now. Check back soon, more posts are on the way.


The Desert Rat

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Rat's 2007 Fiasco Movie Preview

Here's just a partial list of movies debuting in 2007 that have disaster written all over them:

Blades of Glory
Will Ferrell is not funny. Period.

Evan Almighty
Talk about sequels coming out of nowhere.

28 Weeks Later
...and you thought the original movie [28 days later] didn't make any sense

The Simpson's Movie

Live Free or Die Hard
You know a movie is going to suck when the extended trailer has one line of dialouge in it

Cool graphics, and Shia Labeouf is seriously underrated, but a live action Transformers movie?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The GTA IV Battle - Round 1

Well it finally happened. The trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV hit the internet spurring an epidemic crime wave, the likes of which haven't been seen since, well, the last installment of Grand Theft Auto hit stores in 2004.

As if on cue, Jack Thompson sprang into action, defending the country from this satanic smut, demanding, based on the trailer alone (which I might add, had no swearing, violence, or sexual content in it), that Bill Gates refuse to release the game on Microsoft's X-Box 360 console. Thompson made no such demand from Sony, the makers of the Playstation 3 console (I guess people that own PS3 can go screw, their lives are worth saving).

Even NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg rode in on his high horse to save the good name of his beloved city (which according to the Bloom, is a tropical paradise with no violence). Bloomberg denounced game for distorting image of New York. To be fair, the setting of game is called "Liberty City" and is a clear homage to NYC. I wonder why Bloomberg has called out GTA IV, while ignoring things like Law & Order, which for over 15 years has shown NYC to be a heinously violent city. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that NYC gets no money from Grand Theft Auto, as opposed to Law & Order.

In all seriousness though, I wonder why Jack Thompson is so worried about a video game that isn't even going to debut for another seven months?

Instead of trying to censor people and control their artistic expression, why doesn't he spend his time fighting for gun control?

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, over 2,850 children between the ages of zero and nineteen (1,804 from homicide) were killed by guns in 2004, the same year the last installment of Grand Theft Auto debuted. I wonder how many children were killed by Grand Theft Auto in 2004? I'd be willing be bet it was a few less than the number that were killed by firearms.

Let's stop messing around and focus on the real problems in our society, instead of trying to force your beliefs on the rest of us. If Thompson wants to focus in on making sure children don't have access to these violent games, I'm all for that, but beyond that he can keep his opinions about the entertainment the rest of us choose to enjoy.

- The Desert Rat

P.S. What's your opinion? Comments welcome