Monday, January 16, 2006


Hey Everyone,
Just a quick check in to tell you that I finish the painting/redecorating and it came out really well...Much better than my first attempt, the downstairs bathroom (which came out alright).
Scott's room (aka the guest room) was a lot of fun but it was an unbelievable about of work. Apparently, getting 25 year old wallpaper off of a wall is a major pain in the ass. I had to take off the wallpaper, because it was only a wallpaper border on a painted wall. It was basically a six inch tall strip of wallpaper that went around the entire room (which isn't that big). You'd think that just getting a small border off wouldn't be that hard.
I'm not bullshitting when I tell you it took me at least 6 hours to get it all off. Unbelievable.
I had planned to get the job done slowly throughout the week, but I ended up getting a burst of energy Tuesday night, pulling an all-nighter, and getting the job done in about 48 hours. Luckily I had a day to recover before I had to be back to work.
Anyways, the work was worth it, I really think the room looks great. Pretty much by accident, I matched the paint color to the futon cover my Mother bought a few months ago, and to the color of the flowers on the table runner Mom put on the computer desk in here.
Hopefully when Mom gets home, she'll be able to get me some digital pictures of the room, so you can all have a look (I can do the grunt work, but I leave the technical work to the computer programmer extraordinaire).
Well, Mom and Dad get home tomorrow (technically today) from Florida, at about 11:00 pm. It will be great to have them back, it's weird being in a big house all by yourself.
- Rob

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Return

Hey Everyone,
Well, it's been a while since I wrote a blog, and I have a few minutes now so I figured I'd write a quick update.
Not much is new with me. Lat summer my parents went to New Hampshire for a week and I totally redecorated the downstairs bathroom for them, as a surprise them. It's something enjoy. Anyways, I tell you this because my parents are in Florida for the week and tonight I am going to redecorate Scott's room. my mother has wanted to do this for some time, but she's too busy doing everything for everyone else and trying to maintain her own sanity, so I am going to do this for her.
She has her computer in here - I say in here because I'm on her computer now, since mine is all screwed up - and she spends a good amount of time in here and I think it would make her happy if the room looked a little bit nicer and was a little more organized. Luckily for her, I happen to be a master of organization & spatial design.
Well, that's about it. Hopefully my computer will be fixed soon so I can return to my normal blogging rate.
- Rob