Wednesday, May 24, 2006

X-Day is Almost Upon Us

Well, it's been a long time coming, but finally it's almost here.

On Friday, in 2 days, X-Men: The Last Stand is going to premiere.

Now, I know what you're saying, Rat, you're obsessed.

Well, you're right.

But the good news is I've stopped trying to deny it.

I guess I realized I was obsessed while I was watching The Da Vinci Code (absolutely first rate movie by the way - don't believe the anti-hype), which stars Ian McKellen (who also plays Magneto in the X-Men movies).

In one particular scene, McKellen's character kind of goes off the deepend and starts yelling histerically. At that point, I leaned over to my friend and said, "Magneto's lost it."

It was a sad state of affairs. But at least now I've accepted my particular dementia and can move on with my life.

So anyways, X-Men: The Last Stand comes out on Friday and you should go see it.

- The Desert Rat.

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